Corporate Training Plan (CTP)

Corporate Training Plan (CTP)

Having a plan is crucial for corporate training. In this context, ELTE’s CPT helps companies:

  • Determine their language short- and long-term training strategies
  • Define required skills
  • Spot where the workforce’s skills really are and why
  • Establish road map to take workforce from point A, where they are, to point B, where they are needed to be
  • Understand training constraints in terms of both budget and time
  • Set a skills priority list
  • Assess workforce’s skills
  • Establish learning GPS
  • Prepare training, follow up attendance and performance and report results to assess deviation from training plan
  • Understand why deviations occur and establish realistic corrective measures
  • Follow up and assess


1.Diagnostic- What is known

2.Compare to what is needed based on position
3.Gap detection

4.Training Selection to fill the gap


6.ROI (personal / corporate given in productivity / motivation and retention)

Two important objectives:

Improve productivity and performance
Boost satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

Business Case (True story – Name changed for data protection purposes)
When speaking about corporate training, we speak about ROI. Return on investment is a key factor in every company’s endeavour. Designing Corporate Training plan is no different. ROI should be discussed when corporate training plan is designed.
Situation: John Doe has to write an email to report information to headquarters. His language level is B1, not used to writing emails in English.
Average time spent on writing a 100 word email: 20min (it applies to B1-C1 language levels CEFR depending on the email importance)

Time reduction in writing accurate reports (20 minutes to write an email compared to 10 minutes) 6 emails*/day – 2hs/day turns into 1h/day
*reporting project status to headquarters, dealing with conflicts.
Saving: cutting down from 40h/month to 20hs/month
50% ROI saving

Nothing feels better than realising you can do something better than a couple of months before. Confidence in communication fosters better performance leading to praise and eventual higher visibility.

Lesson Learnt
Better communicative and language skills lead to:

  • More confidence
  • Better performance
  • Higher productivity
  • Greater individual visibility
  • Promotion possibilities that may result in global project involvement
  • Motivation/ feeling of accomplishment / Job satisfaction
  • Talent development and retention
Individual Communication Skills Matrix
• Individual: how to communicate/pitch ideas
• Team: how to relate to team members, group dynamics
• Managerial: how to communicate when holding a managerial position



More confidence

Higher productivity

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